SSCC & NJACD Meetings
Unless otherwise specified, NJ State Soil Conservation Committee (SSCC) meetings convene at 9:30am on the second Monday of each month immediately followed by NJACD meetings (around noon) in first floor Conference Room (Auditorium) of the Health-Agriculture Building in Trenton, New Jersey.
Board Meeting Dates (SSCC/NJACD)
Click here for meeting agendas and minutes... |
Annual Partnership Meeting |
The NJACD Annual Partnership Meeting allows District Supervisors, Staff and Conservation Partners to communicate and learn about the ongoing work of New Jersey's Conservation Districts each year. Click here for more information about the Annual Partnership Meeting...
District Managers Meetings
Regional Supervisors Meetings |
The Regional Supervisors Meetings are well attended, locally held forums that provide the opportunity for open discussion to express concerns, offer suggestions and communicate on current events. This meeting qualifies for a supervisor performance standards credit. Supervisors are requested to contact your District Office to coordinate your reservation. Click here to learn more and register for upcoming Regional Supervisors Meetings...
District Meetings
Each Soil Conservation District holds monthly meetings to discuss relevant matters.