Poster Contest
The annual National Conservation Poster Contest provides students in second through twelfth grade an opportunity to convey their thoughts about soil, water and related natural resource issues through art. It also highlights the educational outreach efforts of conservation districts and their state conservation associations, auxiliaries and agencies. The poster contest theme follows the annual Stewardship Theme. Click here to learn more...
The Envirothon is a dynamic hands-on Environmental Education Program for high school students. Teams of students who compete in the NJ Envirothon explore different natural resource related topics throughout the school year, including Soils, Forestry, Aquatics, Wildlife Ecology and Current Environmental Issues. As they strengthen their background in natural resources, students practice working in teams, considering information and differing viewpoints to reach a decision through consensus and teamwork. Click here to learn more...
The NJACD Memorial Conservation Scholarship Fund establishes a continuing memorial to those recognized and honored through monetary contribution for their dedicated service to the conservation of our natural resources. This scholarship is granted to encourage and support qualified students to pursue a career in a field related to the conservation and management of natural resources. Click here to learn more...