2021 Conservation Poster Contest Theme
Trees are a big part of the resources we use every day. Trees and plants give us clean air and water. Trees and their roots help keep soil where it belongs. Trees give us wood to build our homes. We depend upon trees every day. Forests are one of the most vital ecosystems to human life. They are alive and working 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. We aren’t the only ones that need trees. Animals need trees too. Arboreal animals are animals that spend most of their time in trees, such as squirrels, bats, birds, monkeys, snakes and frogs. Native wildlife is becoming decimated by lack of food, plant species are disappearing and local industry has been impacted due to declining tree populations. Providing accurate information is essential. Find out what trees grow in your area, and see what your community is doing to help them. You will find a variety of opinions from a variety of sources about how to best care for our trees.
2021 NJ Poster Contest Finalists
2021 Grand Champion
Marcia Chen (Grades 10-12) Bergen SCD
Marcia Chen (Grades 10-12) Bergen SCD
The New Jersey Conservation Poster Contest is open to all students in grades 2-12 and students compete in grade categories. Local Soil Conservation District prizes may also be awarded!
Did You Know...
You can find resources at your school or public library, science books, local newspapers, nature centers and from the Stewardship & Education section on the NACD website. Get guidance from your teacher or parents to find information on the Internet.
2021 Web Resources
- https://www.nacdnet.org/general-resources/conservation-district-directory
- https://healthyforests.org
- https://www.nacdnet.org/general-resources/stewardship-program
- https://www.plt.org/greenschools
- https://www.treepeople.org/tree-benefits
- https://www.fs.usda.gov/learn/kids
- https://discovertheforest.org
- https://www.fs.usda.gov/nac/about
- https://www.learnforests.org